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Jasmin Avissar (Founder)
Jasmin Avissar (Founder)
Osama Zatar (Founder)
Osama Zatar

from the Choreographer's note:

"...Taking Mind Crossing to the open space surprised me as an artist and as a performer. by bringing the choreography to different locations, I was overwhelmed by the associations and triggers it invoked in me, not on the content layer alone, but personally through my own stories.

Certain locations, with specific history, brought forward different imagery and allowed other aspects of the piece to function as a mirror reflection to the hidden stories in each place.  I realized that locations in open space with embedded memories and histories leave traces which linger over time. to those traces – sometimes even invisible traces - I could connect the human stories I was telling, through the artistic language, and thus intertwine the personal story of one person with the embedded histories of the place we live in. 

This is what this project is all about: crossing minds, memories, languages, stories, space and time." 

from Tal Gur's notes:

".....For this performance, we are focusing on the intersections of history, place and the personal story. We are giving more space to the traveling aspect of the piece and questioning the element of guidance, hoping to evoke that mental movement that goes hand in hand with the action of walking, imagining and learning about the history of Linz."

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